Welcome to the forum, everyone!

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to everyone, thanks for visiting.

This is a friendly place for swapping ideas, experiences, advice, tips and techniques in the general field of spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, NMN and resveratrol. While critical thinking and healthy scepticism is advised, we ask that participants remain friendly and respectful at all times.

Our moderators are experienced in spotting and dealing with spam, disruption, misdirection, disinformation, and other hostile activities. Any such behaviour is against our community guidelines, and we reserve the right to revoke the posting privileges of anyone engaging in these or any related activities.

Using the forum

The forum is designed to be easy to use, but can take time to learn the features.
After creating or claiming your account, I advise engaging with @plantpillobot in your PMs to become familiar with the basics.
Please also check out the tips and tricks for new users thread.
This community uses a natural and intuitive user trust level system, learn more here.

All posts are able to be linked to, just click the link icon on any post - very useful for bookmarking or referencing comments.

Please use the search function to look for posts or topics relating to specific subjects.


We take security seriously.
Check out our full security details here - we utilise DDoS protection, two-factor authentication, a 100% open source platform with a security exploit bounty program, secure password storage, on-site and off-site daily backups, and much more.

We welcome lurkers, but if you have something to add to the discussion, or have any questions, please consider creating an account and starting to engage.

After registration, please create a topic in the New Members forum to introduce (or re-introduce) yourself.